Перевод: с арабского на английский

с английского на арабский

a warm red

  • 1 warm

    1. adjective
    1) moderately, or comfortably, hot:

    Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?

    a warm summer's day.

    2) (of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold:

    a warm jumper.

    3) welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc:

    a warm smile.

    دافِئ، وُدّي، حار
    4) tending to make one hot:

    This is warm work!

    ساخِن، مُسَبِّب الدَّفء
    5) (of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright:

    I don't want white walls – I want something warmer.

    لامِع، مائِل إلى الأحْمَر
    2. verb
    1) to make moderately hot:

    He warmed his hands in front of the fire.

    2) to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about):

    She warmed to his charm.

    يشْعُرُ بالدِّفء، يُصْبِحُ وُدِّيّا أو حَماسِيّا
    3. noun
    an act of warming:

    Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.


    Arabic-English dictionary > warm

  • 2 تورد

    تَوَرَّدَ \ colour, color: to develop bright colour (in the face, in leaves, etc.): She coloured when she made a silly mistake. Some trees colour in the autumn. flush: to become red in the face: She flushed with shame because of her mistake. glow: (of people, esp. after taking exercise) to feel warm; have a warm healthy colour;, a warm look. \ تُور (وَحدةُ ضَغْطٍ جَوِّي = ضَغْطُ مليمترٍ واحد من الزِّئبق، أو 3,133 نيوتُن/ متر< sup>2</sup>) = 3,133 بَسكال)‏ \ torr. \ _(field) Phys.

    Arabic-English dictionary > تورد

  • 3 colour, color

    تَوَرَّدَ \ colour, color: to develop bright colour (in the face, in leaves, etc.): She coloured when she made a silly mistake. Some trees colour in the autumn. flush: to become red in the face: She flushed with shame because of her mistake. glow: (of people, esp. after taking exercise) to feel warm; have a warm healthy colour;, a warm look.

    Arabic-English glossary > colour, color

  • 4 flush

    تَوَرَّدَ \ colour, color: to develop bright colour (in the face, in leaves, etc.): She coloured when she made a silly mistake. Some trees colour in the autumn. flush: to become red in the face: She flushed with shame because of her mistake. glow: (of people, esp. after taking exercise) to feel warm; have a warm healthy colour;, a warm look.

    Arabic-English glossary > flush

  • 5 glow

    تَوَرَّدَ \ colour, color: to develop bright colour (in the face, in leaves, etc.): She coloured when she made a silly mistake. Some trees colour in the autumn. flush: to become red in the face: She flushed with shame because of her mistake. glow: (of people, esp. after taking exercise) to feel warm; have a warm healthy colour;, a warm look.

    Arabic-English glossary > glow

  • 6 pocket

    1. noun
    1) a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in:

    ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.

    جَيْب جَيْب في طاولة البلياردو
    3) a small isolated area or group:

    a pocket of warm air.

    جَيْب هوائي
    4) (a person's) income or amount of money available for spending:

    a range of prices to suit every pocket.

    مَدْخول، مال
    2. verb
    1) to put in a pocket:

    He pocketed the red ball.

    يَضَعُ في الجَيْب
    2) to steal:

    Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.

    يَسْرُق، يَخْتَلِس

    Arabic-English dictionary > pocket

  • 7 جانب

    جَانِب \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. hand: side or direction: The sea was on my left hand. The car made a right-hand turn. side: (of a solid object) a surface that is neither top nor bottom: the sides of a box; a hillside, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.) a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side, the left or right His dog sat by his side. I’ve a pain in my left side. \ بِجَانِب \ alongside: along the side (of): The two ships lay alongside (each other). beside: at the side of: She sat down beside me. by: near; at the side of: I live by the river. \ الجانِب الأَيْسَر من السفينة \ port: the left side of a ship or aircraft (which carries a red light at night; the opposite of starboard). \ جَانِب السَّرير \ bedside: a position near the side of a bed: a lamp by my bedside. \ جَانِب الطَّريق \ wayside: the roadside. \ جَانِب المَوْقِد \ fireside: the space beside a fire: We sat by the fireside to keep warm.

    Arabic-English dictionary > جانب

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